
Hello, and welcome to my blog. I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Stephanie Gaines a Jesus loving, wife, mother, and homeschooling mom. After those things, I am a self-proclaimed animal nerd. Often reading and learning everything I can, in my limited free time that is.
Like many of you, I’ve always loved animals. Once my wonderful kids came into my life I put my career working with animals on hold. Starting a blog allows me to combine my two favorite things. Staying home to homeschool my kids while still being able to share my love of animals with others. Working with animals in pet stores, animal training, outreach, zoos, and aquariums has given me insights and experience with a variety of animals. I would not call myself an animal expert or even a good writer but I’m excited for where this might go. The more you know the more you realize how little you really do know. So join me as we learn together!

My Mission

Many well-intended people become misguided or misinformed and even indifferent toward animal stewardship. As our culture drifts further away from nature and animals we lose our understanding of their needs and behaviors. My goal is to try to help bridge that gap for all of us and also for our kids. Researching and education about issues surrounding proper and balanced welfare for animals is very needed. Animal care, behavior, training, and welfare are my focus I want to help people better understand.

My Values

As a Christian many of my posts come out of and based on a biblical worldview. My highest value is helping Christians understand how caring for creation can lead us to a richer  understanding of the heart and character of the creator. Specifically, how to live out Proverbs 12:10a, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals.”

This blog is dedicated to helping us build a more educated Biblical view of how to be better animal stewards.